Printers for hospitals


What can be made with a 3D printer and a piece of foil? A safe visor for health service. Owners of 3D printers across Poland got in on the action. Centrum Druku 3D (3D Printing Center), a company seated in our Incubator and the e-Nable foundation responded to this call in Łódź. The idea was […]

Start-up of the year is seated in our Incubator


A unique service, customers in over 140 countries and a constant appetite for development – the jury of the 11th edition of the Foundation of Sukces Pisany Szminką (Succes Written by Lipstick) Businesswoman of the Year appreciated Katarzyna Przybył, the founder of XOXO Solutions. The Jury awarded her company the title of Start-up of the year. Congratulations!

Bionanopark joins the fight against coronavirus


Bionanopark supports Medical University of Lodz in diagnosing and treating patients infected with coronavirus. On special conditions, we lent our modern laboratory equipment to the Central Teaching Hospital seated in Pomorska Str. Our devices enable fast and precise sample diagnostics of patients who might be infected with COVID-19.

COVID-19 preventive measures


In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, the Management Board of Bionanopark decided to apply preventive measures against coronavirus occurring in Poland (COVID-19). Our Conference Center in Bionanopark will be closed from March 12 until further notice. This means cancellation of all planned events.